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Reducing Stress in Schools: Restoring Connection and Community

Mathew Portell, Ingrid L. Cockhren, Tyisha J. Noise, Julie Kurtz, and Julie Nicholson. Harvard Education Press.

Target Audience: PreK-12th Educators and Administrators

Essential, accessible guidance for using trauma-informed practices to relieve student and educator stress in schools.  In Reducing Stress in Schools, Mathew Portell, Ingrid L. Cockhren, Tyisha J. Noise, Julie Kurtz, and Julie Nicholson provide a toolkit of actionable, evidence-based practices at individual, school, and system levels to support students’ and educators’ nervous system regulation. Rooted in the tenets of trauma-responsive, whole-child education, these strategies address many of the behavioral challenges present in schools that result from stress, including fight, flight, freeze, and fawn behaviors. Unique among trauma-informed practice (TIP) resources, this book focuses on the effects of racial and historic trauma, educators’ own stress levels and burnout, and proposes strategies for stress reduction drawn from an extensive and diverse range of practitioner experience. 

The authors show that, in the post-COVID-19 era, as students and educators contend with unprecedented exposure to mental health stressors, research supports classroom management via relationship-building interventions. They demonstrate how these and other alternatives to exclusionary discipline practices can promote social-emotional learning, counter learning loss, and improve student skills such as sensory literacy, resilience, and frustration tolerance.


This work delivers clear guidance throughout chapters that feature real-world case studies, sample conversations, and questions for reflection and discussion. It also includes recommendations for countering resistance to the implementation of TIP for classroom management. Ultimately, it gives educators the tools to build schools that are sources of racial justice and equity, healing, and safety.

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Culturally Responsive Self-Care Practice

Culturally Responsive Self-Care Practices for Early Childhood Educators
Nicholson, J., Shimpi Driscoll, P., Kurtz, J., Marquez, D., and Wesley, L. Routledge. 

The first self-care book designed specifically for the early childhood field, this guide is filled with helpful strategies and tools that you can implement immediately. Recognizing that self-care is not one-size fits all, the authors present culturally responsive strategies drawn from diverse early childhood staff working in a range of roles across communities and contexts. Through key research findings, effective strategies and personal anecdotes, this accessible guide helps readers understand and engage with the critical role self-care and wellness-oriented practices play in creating strong foundations for high quality early learning programs. 

Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators: Relationship-Based Approaches that Support Healing and Build Resilience in Young Children Edition 2 Nicholson, J., Perez, L., Kurtz, J., Bryant, S., & Giles. D.

This second edition of Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators continues to guide childcare providers and early educators working with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and early elementary-aged children to understand trauma as well as its impact on young children’s brains, behavior, learning and development. The book covers a range of trauma-responsive teaching strategies that readers can use to create strength-based environments that support children’s health, healing and resiliency. Updates include a greater emphasis on resilience and collaborating with mental health specialists, new chapters on developing children’s body awareness/sensory literacy and pathways to regulation that reduce stress through breathing techniques and mindful movement, as well as new vignettes and case studies to use in workshops or professional development. Supervisors and coaches will learn a range of powerful trauma-responsive practices that they can use to support workforce development and enhance their quality improvement initiatives

Cover, Trauma Informed Practices Early Childhood
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Trauma-Responsive Practices for Early Childhood Leaders: Creating and Sustaining Healing Engaged Organizations Nicholson, J., Leland. J., Kurtz, J., Wesley, L. & Nadiv, S.

Trauma Responsive Leader Book ECE

Early childhood organizations and systems have a critical role to play in providing children and families impacted by trauma with stability, safe spaces, connections to caring adults and links to supportive services and interventions. Through understanding and responding sensitively to stress and trauma, administrators and staff can help reduce the negative impacts they can have on children. Trauma-sensitive environments are also critical for the early childhood workforce as many have their own trauma histories and are at risk for secondary traumatic stress or vicarious trauma as a result of working with a growing number of children and adults impacted by trauma.

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Trauma Responsive Family Engagement

Trauma-Responsive Family Engagement in Early Childhood: Practices for Equity and Resilience Nicholson, J., Kurtz, J. 

It is an unfortunate reality that an increasing number of young children and their families are entering early learning programs having experienced trauma or living in conditions of toxic stress (Bethell, Davis, Gombojav, Stumbo, & Powers, 2017). As a result, there is an ever present need to increase our individual and collective understanding of how to build relationships, communicate and work with parents and family members in a trauma-sensitive manner that not only reduces stress and prevents harm and re-traumatization, but also strengthens adults’ and children’s capacity for joy, resilience, health and wellbeing. The time is now to implement trauma-responsive resilience-building and healing-centered family engagement practices throughout the early childhood field.

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Cover, Play and Healingn Book ECE

Supporting Young Children to Cope, Build Resilience and Heal from Trauma through Play: A Practical Guide for Early Childhood Educators Julie Nicholson, Julie Kurtz with Lafeshia Edwards, Jonathan Iris-Wilbanks, Samantha Watson-Alvarado, Maja Jevgjovikj and Valentina Torres

Now more than ever, there is a need for early childhood professionals to comprehensively integrate trauma-sensitive practices into their work with children and families. This essential resource offers instructional strategies teachers can use daily to support their students dealing with trauma in early learning environments. Readers will learn to create opportunities for children to use their natural language—play—to reduce their stress, to cope with adversity, to build resilience and even to heal from trauma. Nicholson and Kurtz provide vignettes, case study examples, textboxes, photographs and descriptions of adapted therapeutic strategies ready for implementation in the classroom. Practical and comprehensive, this book is ideal for both prospective and veteran early childhood educators seeking to understand trauma informed practices when working with young children (birth-8) in a range of environments.

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Understanding My Brain Children's Book
Understanding My Brain Children's Book

Understanding My Brain: Becoming Human(E)! (Ages 4-8) Kurtz, Julie

Understanding My Brain: Becoming Human(E)! (Ages 5-10) Kurtz, Julie

"One of the best Human Brain books of all time" - BookAuthority

When children learn about how their brain works, it enables better decision making and choices to help them feel safe, find calm and to build social-emotional skills.

Tips for Adults Using This Book with Their Children: Think of this as a science book for children ages 5-10, made fun through the lens of four animals. Lizzie the Lizard Plays the Hindbrain, Malcolm the Meerkat Plays the Amygdala, Elsie the Elephant Plays the Limbic Brain and Ozzie the Owl Plays the Prefrontal Cortex!  Complex topics are broken down to help your child understand the science behind their brain and their behavior. Through learning and exploring, they will have increased self-awareness and the tools to stay healthy, safe and calm – socially and emotionally.  What better way to help children learn to identify their emotions and sensations, the size of their emotions/sensations and to promote practices for self-regulation.

This book is designed to be read with your child/children over time. Depending on your child’s developmental age, some may grasp the concepts faster while others may need more time. The most important thing is to create an enjoyable learning experience for you and your child together. Take their lead! If they continue to be interested, then keep reading. If they show signs they are finished for now, listen to those cues and transition to another activity.

Understanding My Brain Children's Book

"One of the best Human Brain books of all time" - BookAuthority

When children learn about how their brain works, it enables better decisions. 

I believe that children can learn about their brain and behavior as young as 4 and 5 years old.  If children can learn about butterflies, ants, colors, letters, sequencing, so too can they learn about their brain and how it is related to their behavior.


If we teach children early to tune inward and develop foundational skills for social-emotional awareness, then they can build the resilience skills to protect and buffer them from stress.


Children grow up to be humane when they develop self-awareness, self-care, emotion and sensory literacy, body awareness and self-regulation.


I could not find any resources out there for preschool age children, so I created this for caregivers, parents, teachers and those who are raising children ages 4-6 years old.


I hope you enjoy reading and find creative ways to bring these lessons in everyday interactions with your children.


Some Ideas for Adults: 


  1. Use puppets to play each part of the brain.

  2. Read books to children and ask them which part of the brain the characters are responding from.

  3. Create stories with your child around real-life problems (i.e., someone took your toy).  Help them think of how each animal might react to that problem from their hind brain (fight - hitting, flight- running away, freeze – losing their words), how they might feel (limbic brain- sad or angry) and how they might think through their problem to solve it without hurting others, themselves or property (cortex- take turns, ask an adult for help).

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Understanding My Brain Children's Book

A medida que aprendo más sobre cómo funciona mi cerebro, puedo hacer puedo tomar mejores elecciones y tomar mejores decisiones para estar saludable, sentirme seguro y encontrar la calma.

Cada adulto (Educador, padre, maestro, consejero) sueña que los niños crezcan social y emocionalmente saludables. ¡Todos queremos criar seres humanitarios! Para hacer esto, los adultos necesitan ayudar a los niños a edificar su “musculo cerebral”. Edificar el “musculo cerebral” incluye, desarrollar la capacidad de auto-conciencia y auto-regulación. Entender el cerebro y como cada parte de este impacta los sentimientos y el comportamiento, puede ayudar a los niños(as) ha desarrollar la conciencia interna necesaria para manejar situaciones emocionales complejas.

Heading 1BEST finger puppets to go with the childrens book:

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Animal finger puppets


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