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"I wanted to thank you for the hugely impactful training you presented for our staff.  You were so calm and engaging as you helped our staff gain understanding of brain processing and the effects of trauma with strategies.  These were difficult concepts, but your pace of the presentation with stories painted an easy to follow clear picture of how to support our families and students experiencing trauma.  All of the special supports in your delivery like the “shark fin and gold fish” really made that difference to get the point across.  To top it off, the many strategies and resources for printing out on your website was like the cherry on top!  Our staff went straight to your website to learn even more and have expressed their gratitude for having you as a speaker at our preservice training.  Many commented it was the best training they’ve ever had.  I am in true awe of you after hearing your own personal story and how you have risen to become who you are today.  You are a gift!  Don’t ever stop educating on this very important topic of trauma." -Karen Van Patten, Education Coordinator


"I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for the information, energy, and passion you brought to our leadership team meeting this past Wednesday at the County Office of Education. Your topic is SO important for all of us to be aware of! The numbers of us impacted by traumatic experiences is simply staggering. Your presentation was very powerful and highlighted the importance of us needing to educate ourselves around trauma-informed care. As someone who has worked in the field of Early Learning Special Education for the past 20 years (and a big proponent of the Teaching Pyramid!), I thank you and salute you for the important work you have been doing to elevate all of us! Keep talking and spreading your message! THANK YOU!!!!!" -Marina, Executive Director


"I just wanted to send a note of gratitude this morning. I so enjoyed your training last night! You have a wonderful sense of calmness about you that invites people to feel safe and heard, and speaking on behalf of our group, it is appreciated. I have received several texts/emails from people on our team, who really enjoyed it last night, so again, thank you." -Teresa Manning, Early Childhood Specialist 


"I had the pleasure of attending your keynote and break out session on Saturday at the Infant Development Association Conference!  Wow!!!!! Why haven’t I attended any of your talks before???? Your message and its delivery were hands-down, THE BEST!" -Ana, Infant and Toddler Teacher


"I left inspired and I am reflecting about all the information gained from your presentation and workshop. I am an Early Education Coach working to support preschool teachers and their working peers who serve at risk children and families.   Your knowledge, presence, sense of humor and passion danced together so well...I loved it." -Marisa, ECE Coach


"Thank you for sharing resources with us! I really appreciated your workshop. I left feeling energized, was reminded of how important it is to be present and available for my students, and felt much more present in my body than I have in a long time." -Emma, High School Teacher


"Your personal transparency and authenticity are beautiful to see and your self disclosure made your info relatable on a personal level." -Dawn, Preschool Teacher


"Your gentle and genuine approach to a very difficult and challenging topic make it easier for us. You have a great wealth of knowledge that is remarkable. And what makes it even more remarkable again is the way you approach the topic, and the tender way you open your beautiful heart to us all by sharing your own personal story and journey, wow THANK YOU."- Rosie Family Subsidy & Children's Service Specialist


"Thank you so much Julie for always opening a new door for me. Your positive attitude, spirit and dedicated practices make a difference in adults as well as children's lives." -Amira Mohamed, Teacher at Peninsula Family Services


"Thank you both so much for such a mind & soul filling presentation! -Kylie Peria, Kindergarten Teacher


"Attending Part 1 of the TIP Training for our K-8 teachers was amazing!  It was like watching a Netflix show and bringing it all in one go and we could not wait for Part 2." -Kathi Tran, Moreland Elementary


Wow Wow Wow..... just like the Academy awards.... this is my choice for training of the year!  Julie you have become so enlightened- and powerful in your journey towards helping people understand Trauma Informed Practices.  These training sessions should be a MUST-SEE for everyone in our field.  Your passion and (unfortunate personal experience) make you the PERFECT presenter for this information.  Your delivery is student friendly, and your empathy and confidence is so inspiring.  I'm walking on air- and want to share all that I learned, and was reminded of this morning with everyone.  Just wanted to share some feedback- and make sure you know what an impact you make with professionals in the field- including us old-timers that need to be reminded of what's important- You are my hero!  Cathy Boettcher 


"When a child is having a meltdown, uncontrollably crying or screaming I would in the past say, “When you’re ready to talk I will be over there” and then I would go about being with the other children. In the past I did not want to “encourage this behavior by giving them attention.”  Now after taking your trauma-responsive and resilience building training I say “You are feeling big emotions. I am here. You are safe.” And then rub their back if they welcome it or just be with them. I have found when another child needs me during this time, they will come over and whisper their question or sit with us. I worried before that the other children would feel neglected when I gave attention to the dysregulated child. I have found over the last 3 months attending your training, that the other children seem to appreciate that I’m giving my time and attention to the child that needs me and they know I am there for them too." -Kathryn Clark Silveira - CARE4EM


"The last thing I wanted to do today was sit for a three hour training, however, that was the best training I have ever been to." Yes...heart full!!!" - Elementary Teacher - Kentfield, CA


"Literally, 5 minutes ago our maintenance fellow was helping me move some boxes into the attic and said "My cousin said that was the best training she has been to in years." - Trinity County, CA



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